Is Your Hustle Mindset Actually a Cover-Up?
We live in a world where speed and immediate results get a lot of hype. Sometimes, it is in this very act of “pumping the brakes” that we discover new opportunities that were previously hidden from us. In a recent client conversation, we discovered that one root cause of their constant struggle to commit to their business priorities was actually a fear around change. And updating their marketing material for the thousandth time, was simply a way of diverting their attention.
By taking time to pause, they began to realize that what was actually holding them back from sticking to their plan/calendar was a fear around selling/growing their business. And the sense of “being busy” was actually a coping mechanism for avoiding the real problem within.
If you find yourself stuck in the cycle of always being busy consider this:
Oftentimes, we use busy work or staying stressed as a mechanism to self-protect. We do this because it feels safe. If you find yourself worrying about irrational fears in your life or business, ask yourself: “Do I have any feelings related to this irrational fear that may actually be valid?” or “What am I avoiding by not doing the thing I say I want?”. Consider what the message of fear may be. Maybe you desire security, or are unsure of what you really want. We often get caught up in the hustle of “being busy” that we miss what’s really important in building the life and business we truly want.
If you find yourself struggling to commit to your priorities, or stick to your calendar or routine, consider asking yourself ‘Why’. There may be some subconscious belief around doing the thing in the first place. Once you recognize it, you can more easily move past it. Then, you can validate your feelings and develop a course correction. Write down the 5 most important things on your to-do list, and do those.
It's up to you if you want to make the most of the process, or miss crucial information while looking out for the next thing. All the stuff that we are meant to notice, learn, and grow through is typically right in front of us.
So, my question for you is this: How might you create space for pause in your own life to support your clarity, creativity, and productivity?
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