4 Mindset Shifts for Success

1. Build confidence through the act of doing. When we get into action and start taking small steps toward our goals, we prove to ourselves that we are who we want to be. The confident person you want to become is not one you will stumble into. It can’t happen without your participation.
2. Remember, everyone was once a beginner. When you’re thinking ‘who am I to do this?’ or ‘someone else is way better at that thing?’. Think back to those people you admire and recognize that they were once a beginner too. Make the decision to keep going, and practicing. Every expert was once a beginner.
3. Embrace challenges as stepping stones to growth. Our biggest roadblocks are the places in which life is asking us to release one of our limiting ways. They are leading us to our next big breakthrough. Write down your problem and brainstorm a list of alternate possibilities.
4. See setbacks as valuable feedback for wisdom and learning. The things we struggle with most are not meant to stop us, they are the ones we are here to master. Try getting curious and asking: “What is this trying to teach me?” or “What’s the lesson in this for me?”.
We all have some level of awareness that there’s a voice going off in our heads that is literally narrating what’s going on around us (and also judging us mercilessly). Practice shifting your perspective and  inner narratives by focusing on all the things you do have to make your dreams a reality. Versus getting stuck on all of the reasons you can’t, or don’t have the time, resources or skill. 

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